Program Registration

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    This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.

    Conversion action Online purchase with processed valid payment
    Cookie days 365 days
    Commission type Variable, depending on your 90 day(s) sales volume.
    Base commission Starting at 15% and based on sales volume
    This program has closed Permanently... 

    Big Bear Academy Martial Art Store Affiliates are required to:
    - Clearly disclose their affiliation with us when promoting our products.
    - Conduct all their marketing activities in a civilized, ethical and legal manner.

    Big Bear Academy Martial Art Store Affiliates may:
    - Use any of the creatives provided in the affiliate account.
    - Use any image from the Big Bear Academy Store website to promote the products
    - Use their own images (upon approval)

    Big Bear Academy Martial Art Store Affiliates may not:
    - Incentivize purchases by offering kickbacks, rebates, discounts, etc.
    - Promote the products through email marketing to non double-opt-in lists.
    - Engage in fraudulent schemes to earn commissions, such as cookie stuffing.
    - Misrepresent our product features or prices.
    - Misrepresent their affiliation with the Big Bear Academy Store.

    Please note, Big Bear reserves the right to refuse or remove any affiliate at any time for any reason.